Online stock trading is a fairly new trend sweeping the investing world. It might seem a bit new age to some, but the reality is this sensation has … [Read More...]
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Exclusive Interview With Retail Investor Finfluencer Dan Cash
Follow Famous Finfluencer Dan Cash on X How did you get started with investing Dan? Investing really started as a means … [Continue Reading]
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Fibonacci Trading Strategy Explained
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Exclusive Interview With Retail Investor Finfluencer Dan Cash
Follow Famous Finfluencer Dan Cash on X
How did you get started with investing Dan?
Investing really started as a means just get ahead. TD bank had a Christmas Savings account which wasn’t advertised. Any time I got a tip at work, I would throw the extra $20 in this savings account. The bank never issued a debit card or a bank deposit. In November, the bank would send a check with the amount. This money every year is what I used to fund Christmas. This was the foundation for a forced scarcity mindset. This was the ground work for being able to put money aside, and living without. Once the habit forms, similar to the marshmallow test. Anyone is capable of investing. Stumbling upon Rich Dad Poor Dad opened up the possibility, but putting in small practices and getting used to see money in the account without the need to spend it was a game changer. It is like anything else that takes practice, a muscle if you will.
You have become a top financial influencer on social media. How did this come about and which platforms are you on?
Since I was about 6 years old, I had been fascinated with money. An obsession. However it was because I was trying to get home. Being in and out of foster care, crack houses and eating from trash cans doesn’t exactly paint a great picture of success. But success doesn’t come to the meek. It shows up to those who desire, and go after it, against all odds. America is home of the come back kid. Social media grew really fast seemingly over a year time frame during recent health crisis. I tried posting things that just made sense to me. However it wasn’t without its challenges.
Members of … [Read More]

Strategic Moves on Stock Market Investment
Stock market investment is a risky stance, but it should not stop any aspiring investor from taking the first step. The choice to make the stock … [Read More...]

Is Online Stock Trading Right For You?
The internet has opened up a world of possibilities from shopping to education to financial success delivered through a wire straight to our desktops, … [Read More...]

How Profitable is Online Penny Stock Trading
If you don't want to risk vast sums of money on speculative stock market adventures, then Online Penny Stock Trading could be the solution you are … [Read More...]

Basic Stock Trading
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5 Tips On How To Trade Stock Online
Online stock trading has created a boom in the industry of stock market. It has made everyone to enjoy the excitement and thrill of stock trading by … [Read More...]

How To Use Online Stock Trading For Your Success
Many investors will tell you that trading in stocks might be the good old-fashioned way of investing, but it works. Regardless of the ups and downs, … [Read More...]
10 Golden Rules for Stock Trading Success
Your stock trading rules are your money. When you follow your rules you make money. However if you break your own stock trading rules the most likely … [Read More...]

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